Gustavo Mesquita is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Brasília, Brazil. He studies political and social theory, with particular interests in the theory of democracy, human rights, race relations, and Brazil-United States relations from a historical perspective. He is currently dedicated to investigating the Brazilian transition to democracy and the role of American foundations in the process throughout the 1980s and 1990s. Among other books, he published Foundations, US Foreign Policy, and Anti-Racism in Brazil: Pushing Racial Democracy with Routledge Studies in US Foreign Policy in collaboration with Professor Elizabeth Cancelli and Dr. Wanderson Chaves.
Research interests: Political and social theory, with particular interest in the theory of democracy, human rights, race relations, and Brazil-United States relations from a historical perspective.
Other networks:
RESOCIE - The Research Group on Society-State Relations (University of Brasília):
LAPES - Social Thought Lab (Getulio Vargas Foundation):
Selected publications:
Foundations, US Foreign Policy and Anti-Racism in Brazil: Pushing Racial Democracy. Co-authored with Elizabeth Cancelli and Wanderson Chaves. London and New York: Routledge, 2023.
Guerra Fria e Brasil: para a agenda de integração do negro na sociedade de classes. Em coautoria com Elizabeth Cancelli e Wanderson Chaves. São Paulo: Alameda, 2020.
Gilberto Freyre e o Estado Novo. São Paulo: Global, 2018 (6º Concurso Nacional de Ensaios - Prêmio Gilberto Freyre).
"Florestan Fernandes e os caminhos do antirracismo no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos". In: HOLANDA, Bernardo Buarque de & MAIA, João Marcelo Ehlert (Org.) Ateliê do pensamento social: a pesquisa sobre o Brasil no exterior. Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, 2017.
“Dois países, o mesmo dilema? Reflexões sobre a democracia e o racismo nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil”. Estudos Históricos (FGV), Rio de Janeiro: Vol. 32, n. 67, pp. 429-449, 2019. DOI: