Pâmela de Almeida Resende


Bachelor in History earned in 2009 at the State University of Campinas and the Master’s degree in 2013 at the same university. PhD in History at University of Sao Paulo (2019) with research on the kidnapping of the U.S. ambassador Charles Burke Elbrick in 1969 in Brazil. Short-term scholar at The New School University in 2017. Awarded at the 2nd Revealed Memories Research Award, in 2013, with the publication of the book “The vigilantes of the order: DEOPS / SP and SNI cooperation and suspicions of movements for amnesty ( 1975-1983). She worked as a consultant at the Amnesty Commission and Junior Researcher at the National Truth Commission. She has experience in the area of History, with an emphasis in History of Brazil Republic and Contemporary History, working mainly on the following research themes: dictatorships and human rights violations in Latin America, amnesty, diplomatic kidnappings, think tanks, counterinsurgency.

Research interests: Contemporary history; History of Brazil Republic; Military dictatorships; Cold War.

Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/5929017300764311

Selected publications

Os vigilantes da ordem: a cooperação DEOPS/SP e SNI e a suspeição aos movimentos pela anistia (1975-1983). Rio de Janeiro: Arquivo Nacional, 2015.

"Tinha um João Baptista no meio do caminho: as manifestações pela anistia ampla, geral e irrestrita em 1979 e o olhar vigilante dos "protetores da nação". In: Jean Rodrigues Sales; Luís Edmundo de Souza Moraes; Marcos Luiz Bretas; Abner Francisco Sótenos (Org.) História escrita, história vivida: movimentos sociais, memória e repressão política na ditadura militar brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: Lamparina, 2019.

"As ditaduras civil-militares e os dilemas entre lembrar e esquecer: a representação dual entre Brasil e Argentina". Em coautoria com M. TOLENTINO. Revista Eletrônica da ANPHLAC, v. 18, p. 251, 2015.