Elizabeth Cancelli


Bachelor in Journalism (UFRGS), Master and PhD in History (Unicamp) and Associate Professor (USP). She was also  professor at UNIMEP, UFMT and UFRGS. As  professor at the University of Brasília (UnB), she coordinated the entire PIBIC program and the set of postgraduate courses at the same university. She held the positions of director and deputy director of the Center for Research and Graduate Studies on the Americas at UnB and coordinated its graduate studies. She was president of Editora da UnB and its Editorial Board and  chaired the National Committee of Experts in the History Area  at the Ministry of Education. She has been a CNPq researcher since 1995 and professor in the History Department at USP since 2006. She coordinates the Cold War Study Group (USP/CNPq). Elizabeth had supervised 17 doctoral theses and 18 master's dissertations; supervised and supervises postdoctoral and junior researchers (USP). She has ten books, 30 articles and 23 book chapters published in Brazil and abroad. She is currently researching the Cold War and its relationship with Social Science and Think Thanks funding.

Research interests: Cold War; Intellectuals; Intellectual Networks; Culture and Power.

Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/6017086397928600

Academia: https://usp-br.academia.edu/ElizabethCancelli


Selected publications

Guerra Fria e Brasil: para a agenda de integração do negro na sociedade de classes. Em coautoria com Gustavo Mesquita e Wanderson Chaves. São Paulo: Alameda/FAPESP, 2020

O Brasil na Guerra Fria Cultural: o pós-guerra em releitura. São Paulo: Intermeios, 2017.

O Brasil e os outros: o poder das ideias. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2012.

O mundo da violência: a polícia na Era Vargas. Brasília: Editora da Universidade de Brasília, 1993 (1a ed.), 1994 (2ª ed.).

O Ilari e a guerra cultural: a construção de agendas intelectuais na América Latina. ArtCultura (UFU), Uberlândia: vol. 17, n 30, 2015. http://www.seer.ufu.br/index.php/artcultura/article/view/34822